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Featured Landscape

A little bit about Becca...
I'm a digital artist who loves landscapes and illustrations.
After having 2 wonderful little boys I found it difficult to find the time to paint and illustrate like I used to so plunged in to the digital world, and I've never looked back!
Me and my family are Yorkshire born but live on the stunning West Coast of Scotland which influences most of my work, between me and my husband we print and press pretty much everything right here in our little studio.

We have committed to plant a tree for every order over £30 with moretrees.eco, trees capture and absorb carbon dioxide from the air while releasing oxygen in its place. And, their size, root systems and long life span mean they can do this at scale.
Planting trees also brings numerous co-benefits, including shelter, water filtration, biodiversity and poverty alleviation.
You'll notice not all our packaging is recyclable just yet, we have sourced alternatives to our plastic bubble wrap and will very soon be transitioning over to reduce our environmental impact.
Featured Products
Aurora at the Lighthouse
Ardnamurchan Lighthouse with the northern lights dancing over the small Isles
Kilchoan Jetty
Kilchoan Jetty in all it's moody glory with Mull looming in the...
Sanna Bay Dunes
A beautiful white beach with clear blue waters and sand dunes that...
Sanna Bay Looking Out
A beautiful beach with gentle waves lapping the white sand, looking out...
Sunset at the Lighthouse
Sunset at the Lighthouse with the Small Isles peeking out in the...
Golden Isles
A hazy golden summer sky, evening dips in the sea at Achateny...
Island Sunset
The setting sun casting it's final rainbow rays over the Small Isles

Customer feedback means the world to us...
'Gorgeous original designs and the quality of the products are amazing!'